This month's draw was conducted by PSCC legend Parag Wartak and the results were as follows:
1st Prize - #29 - Jo Lander
2nd Prize - #3 - Richard O'Hagan
August's draw will take place at the same time as our race night on 2nd August, so you still ha... [ Read more ]
Good Morning,
On behalf of the Committee I attach this season's interactive fixture card.
As in previous years we are not printing physical copies, so please do feel free to do so from this document if you would like a hard copy. [ Read more ]
Dear all,
We have set up a new WhatsApp community to allow us to quickly share announcements relating to the club re. Social events, fixture cancellations, and important club news. This will not replace our email communications completely but will ... [ Read more ]
Good afternoon,
I attach the minutes of the Pre-Season Meeting, held on 13th March 2024.
I also understand that although everyone received the email about the Player Conduct Policy, the document itself did not attach to some emails. I have therefore ... [ Read more ]
Good afternoon,
As mentioned at the Pre-Season Meeting, we have decided to implement a player conduct policy. The ECB now expects clubs to have them and by doing so we will be in a better position to apply for grants and other support from them.
The ... [ Read more ]
Good evening,
I hope you are all looking forward to the upcoming season. Not long left now!
As discussed in the pre-season meeting last week, Alistair and I have been working on a new platform for our club, which will eventually replace the old webs... [ Read more ]
Good evening,
I attach the minutes of the recent AGM. [ Read more ]
Following the 2023 AGM, the Club are pleased to announce the following new appointments:
Paul Goodchild
Pete Jupp
Nick Loftus
Matt Hewlett
Following Matt's appointment as vice-captain we now have a vacancy for a match... [ Read more ]
The 2023 season will start on Wednesday, 26th April.
Sessions will run every Wednesday from 6:15pm to 7:30pm opposite The Squirrel Pub.
We will end on 26th July with an inter club match, presentations and ice cream. There will be no session on 3... [ Read more ]
The first Thursday of each month is our club night in the Squirrel, please make every effort to come along if you can. Anytime from 7.30pm onwards. [ Read more ]