Penn Street Cricket Club News story

Return of cricket!! Please update you availability for next weekend.

04 Jul 2020

Hi everyone.


In case you live under a rock and weren’t aware, Johnson announced yesterday that recreational cricket is allowed to resume from the 11th July. There are still a couple of ‘unknowns’ about the format that it will take on, but we are hoping that the originally organised fixtures will stand vs Jordans (home) on Saturday 11th and Odney (away) on Sunday 12th. We are waiting to hear from them to confirm this. If either of these are unable to go ahead, we will look for alternatives (possibly an inter-club game or a 6 a side).


In the meantime, please update your availability on the website (which is now up and running again) with your availability for both games next weekend by Monday 6th July at 7pm. Please be clear and mark either available or unavailable for both fixtures to save us chasing players as much as possible. I’m anticipating that we will have a lot people of wanting to play so I would appreciate your flexibility in being able to play either day if possible, but please don’t expect to play both days at this stage. It would also be helpful if you can leave a note to give your preference on which day you can play if you mark that you can play both fixtures.


If, for whatever reason, you don't currently have access to the website, please get in touch on social media or send me a message (07795681465).

Many thanks,
