Penn Street Cricket Club News story

Penn Street Race Night 2nd August for Opening Up

25 Jul 2024

Good evening,

On Friday the 2nd August Penn Street will be hosting a race night in The Squirrel to raise funds for Opening Up, who we will be supporting over the next few seasons. This will be our first big event to kickstart our fundraising efforts, so it would be great to have your support, however you can. We aim to start the first race shortly after the conclusion of our evening T20 match against Jordans. 

We do need prizes to give to the "owners" of winning horses, so if anyone has a prize they wish to donate, then myself, Jane, James or Asif will be grateful to accept this week. Please get in touch as to the best way to do this if you are unsure. Many and varied prizes would be appreciated!

Penn Street will also be celebrating the anniversary of the arrival of our Club Chair, Jane Fryer, to PSCC, so please help to make this a big event.

Opening up aim to raise awareness and encourage speaking up about mental wellbeing and suicide prevention through cricket. For more information on how they came to be, their mission and how they aim to help, please check out their website: 

Hope to see you there,
